Two Labour MPs, who are defending their seats in the general election on June 8, think the party will lose around 120 seats overall, according to Bloomberg.

The MPs cited internal polling conducted by Labour which shows the outlook is even more devastating to the main opposition than the public polls show. Labour won 232 seats in the 2015 general election. However, if it does lose 120 seats, it would leave them with just 112 seats.

Labour representatives declined to comment to Bloomberg.

The comments and internal polling fall neatly in line with all polls that have been published since Prime Minister Theresa May called for the snap general election last month. All polls show that the Tories are very likely to have a landslide victory.

A YouGov poll for The Times interviewed 1,651 people between May 9 and 10 and it showed that May’s party is still massively ahead of Labour with 46% of the share versus the main opposition – Labour – which is at 30%.

Another poll by Comres for the Daily Mirror, showed that plans from the leaked Labour's manifesto actually has majority support from among the public. This is not translating into potential votes. 47% of respondents said they were "less likely to vote Labour" after hearing their policies than they had been before, as opposed to 34% who said the opposite.

56% of respondents said that they believed Jeremy Corbyn "would be a disaster as Prime Minister"

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